Making Thai-style “Khanom Foi Thong,” or Golden Threads, a traditional Thai dessert

Certainly! Here’s a recipe for making Thai-style “Khanom Foi Thong,” or Golden Threads, a traditional Thai dessert:


  1. Glutinous rice flour: 300 grams
  2. Granulated sugar: 200 grams
  3. Palm sugar: 1 teaspoon
  4. Sesame seeds: 1 teaspoon
  5. Water: 1/2 cup
  6. Egg yolks: 3 (use only the yolks)


  1. Mix Glutinous Rice Flour with Water:
    • In a large bowl, mix glutinous rice flour with water until well combined. Set it aside.
  2. Prepare Sugar Syrup:
    • In a saucepan, combine granulated sugar, palm sugar, sesame seeds, and water. Heat the mixture over medium heat until the sugar dissolves and the syrup thickens. Set it aside to cool.
  3. Add Sugar Syrup to the Flour Mixture:
    • Pour the cooled sugar syrup into the bowl with glutinous rice flour. Mix well until you get a smooth and thick batter.
  4. Add Egg Yolks:
    • Add the egg yolks to the batter and mix thoroughly. Ensure that the yolks are well incorporated into the mixture.
  5. Prepare the Strings:
    • To create the golden threads, you can use a special mold with small holes. Pour a small amount of the batter into the mold and allow it to flow through the holes into a pot of hot water.
  6. Cook the Golden Threads:
    • Boil the pot of water with the batter strings until the strings float to the surface. Use a strainer to collect the strings.
  7. Cool and Shape:
    • Allow the collected golden threads to cool. Once cooled, shape them into small, nest-like portions.
  8. Serve:
    • Arrange the golden threads on a serving plate and serve.

Khanom Foi Thong is a delightful Thai dessert with a sweet and unique texture. Enjoy your homemade Golden Threads!

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